Omnidirectional treadmill for VR

Let's take a walk

The locomotion problem

If you’ve ever put on a VR-headset, the following experience should feel very familiar to you. You are required to stand in place, waving your hands around while the world around you stays in motion. A virtual barrier quickly pops into vision the moment you step too far, hopefully preventing you from more harm as you would have ran into an obstacle. And while the world around you may look large and inviting, from where you are standing, it feels incredibly small. Needless to say, free movement and VR currently don’t go well together. 

limited freedom


There is really no way around it, the Virtual world is only as big as the room you are in, often just a few meters squared. You could ofcourse use a bigger room, but inevitably, there is still a wall to run in to. Sure there are some tricks you could use to move around. Perhaps you use a teleport-function that whizes you around. Or you could move around with a joystick, although that often leaves one rather dizzy. Ultimately these tricks do not deliver on the central promis of VR: To fully immerse yourself in a vast, creative and inspiring world. 

Falling hazard


Obstacles in the physical world don’t just limit your freedom, they can be outright dangerous. Because you are immersed in the Virtual world it is very easy to hit an object in the room. Even with virtual boundaries put in place, it often happens that other people move too close, resulting in painfull collisions.

And let’s be honest, some people are just a bit clumsey. For these people too, VR should be a secure, comfortable experience.

Our solution

The Talos Omnidirectional Platform

Imagine a treadmill, that dynamically changes in speed and direction. Whenever you try to accelerate, the floor underneath you will accelerate. And when you want to take a step sideways, or backwards, you can do that to. Without ever leaving the confines of the platform.

We should be able to share all the technical details with you soon, but for now have a look at the key development points we are focused on:

Fully implemented walking dynamics for an intuitive user experience.

At Talos Robotics we understand that walking isn’t easy, it’s just that we all had a lot of practice. There is a complex interplay of forces and movements that together create the natural experience of walking you are so familiar with. By using an actuated platform we can recreate that experience. We do not use any tricks or gimmicks that leaves the user confused, uncomfortable and ultimatly dissatisfied.

Even for first time users

Talos Robotics is all about removing bariers. We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy the worlds and experiences created in VR. This is made possible by our ergonomic design and natural-movement algorithms

For an optimal VR-experience

Ultimatly, this is what VR is all about, to be immersed in a different world. Physical bariers, unnatural movements, teleport-mechanisms, … all these things remove some of the magic that VR brings, and pull you back to the real world. Standing on the Talos platform is the best way to truly forget the world around you and lose yourself completly in VR.

Convenient intergration at any location

In less than 4m² we offer infinite space in VR. This means you no longer need large halls to give the user the freedom they desire.

Since we have not yet finished the process of proctecting the Intellectual Property of our invention, we are not at liberty to show a picture or render of our product or share any insights on a technical level in this public venue.
To be continued...

Target Industries

Usecases we envision

When thinking of the locomotion possibilities we could offer, we have a certain specific usecases in mind that would benefit from our boundless natural walking platform. 

Medieval warrior


Virtual Reality and gaming are a match made in heaven. The endless possibilities to create exciting new experiences for gamers have brought forward countless succesfull games. Whether it is a new shooter, RPG or an interactive story, the only thing holding the gamer back for now, are the walls of his living room.

> Arcade Halls, Trade Fairs, Theme parks

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Culture, history & art

Standing among the ancient runes of the Forum Romanum, one can’t help but imagine what it would be like to walk the streets of Rome in it’s glory-days. With the Talos platform, this imagery can be transformed in to an immersive enriching experience of life in ancient times.

> Museums, Expositions, Events

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Education & training

When it comes to eduction, there is no substitute for hands-on experience. But in many cases, this is not possible because hands-on experience can be dangerous or expensive. Virtual Reality is the next best thing. Police officers clearing a building, soldiers out on patrol, firefighters evacuating a warehouse,… the possibilities are endless

> Training centers, Police, Firefighters, Military

Research & Development

Where do people look and go in a new environment? What paths do they take? What choices do they make? These are all interesting research questions that are hard to explore. In a Virtual environment you can quickly iterate on the lay-out and visual cues to see how people react. 

> Biodynamics, social sciences, marketing research


Architecture is about the experience of space. The lines of sight, the lighting, the general atmosfeer, all these things come together to bring a room to live. By making use of VR, you can experience all this before the foundations are laid. This allows the architect to share his vision with the project developers and customers, while preventing costly mistakes during construction.

> Real estate, Project Development

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Fitness & Health

Sometimes, it’s all about going the extra mile. To build the strenght and endurance, pushing yourself to the limit. And let’s be honest, it’s no fun doing so while staring at a blank fitness wall. Using Virtual Reality you can choose the inspiring scenery that will keep you going, further and further.

> Fitness Gyms, Hospitals
