About Us

Passionate about robotics

A robot is a charming symbiosis of all the core sciences...
and then it comes to life.

Talos Robotics founders (2019)

What started as a ridiculous idea in a bar between 2 lifelong friends, grew step by step into the vision we offer today.  We’re here to bring life to our ideas, robots to life and man & machine together. Harmony and synchronization is our goal.

Our first concept is all about maximising the immersion of Virtual Reality.
VR is a great tool for communication and we want to tighten the gap between the creators and the users.

Our mission:
“We enable the dreamers and creators to share their vision of the imagined world.
We offer the curious the means to explore those worlds carefree, by maximising immersion in Virtual Reality.”
artwork by Aleksey Rico
The foundation
Glenn 2021


Co-founder & CEO

Before dreaming & designing bigger inventions for Talos, Glenn has been passionately creating smaller autonomous robots to compete in the annual robot competition of the Ghent University of which he achieved 5 victories in a row. Now the time has come to bring his creativity to market. 


Co-founder & CTO

As an aerospace & simulations engineer Floris thrives for perfection and knows how to get there. Talk numbers, equations and code with him and don’t be surprised if he’ll have a solution ready for you mid-sentence. 
